Saturday, June 18, 2011

I lost it

It's already the mid of June and it holds as a sole reminder of the fact that the year is coming to yet another end - which has likely been by far the most relaxing and productive of all times, being an employed high-school graduate and all. I've been forced to master the art of losing one's self quite recently, which on a personal note, began when I looked into a mirror one evening and did not recognize the frail frame of the girl who was standing on the other side.

Layers of the things that had once occupied my time have slowly been peeled off from priority, messing up it's habitual persistency and hence being ceased into oblivion. Albeit, at a snail's pace - but nonetheless slowly vanishing. Take my avidity and ardour when it came down to reading books for example; It has been months since I've purchased a good book, let alone have felt the urge to read for that matter. Oh goodness, you have no idea how guilty I feel.

But, rest assured, I bounced right back up a few days ago while during an errand run with my Aunt. It's in times like these when I'm so grateful for massive bookshop which have branched out in almost every shopping centre and due to it's convenient location, I could pay the Popular bookshop outlet at Wangsa Walk a little visit the other day. And I swear, when I entered the bookshop, I could feel the warm welcome of the array of books that were laid out in front of me, not to mention the SALE signs that were comercialized everywhere. It was as if they were saying, "Welcome back!." So upon the warm welcome I mentally received, I decided that it was probably time I purchased a good book - a book I was capable of getting lost in, because it has been awhile and also because my generous aunt was around to sponsor (I hope she doesn't read this!)

I walked out of that bookshop with two books; two of which I have been lusting over for quite some time now.

I'm such a happy bookworm right now! 

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