Friday, November 11, 2011

I still stand here holding up the roof

I have been away for quite some time now, haven't I? It just sank in about a few minutes ago, how long it has been since I've had the time and will to invade the online world with my never-ending tweets, random snapshots and daily journal entries, let alone open up my laptop and run my fingers across the keyboard for goodness sake! I did what I had to do to keep my mind focused like a hawk on its prey. 

Just recently, a few weeks ago, I sat for my Cambridge A-levels Examination and yesterday was the day it ended. So on the weeks leading up to my exam, I made a decision to restrict myself - ban would actually be a better word for it - from any online activities, with the help of a deal I made with a 'guardian' or so I'd like to call him that. But of course, deal or no deal, there were bound to be days when flipping open my laptop and going online would be the most natural and habitual thing to do and so on those days, the deal I made was pretty much useless. Regardless of how hurt he was and how stupid I had been to take things so lightly, the deal was still valid even after I've gone against it a million times, as long as I was honest about it... until today, that is, because today that deal wouldn't matter anymore for it has expired. And besides, even if I now have the liberty and freedom to go online whenever I please, it would be impossible anyway.

... which leads me to the next thing I'm about to rant about. 

Apart from making a deal and banning myself from the cyber world, I have officially moved in with my grandma. I took over my aunt's room, which had been a dusty, abandoned space with cobwebs in every corner, visible enough to be spotted the instant one enters the room. Long hours have been spent cleaning the room itself, and additional hours spent decorating it, hammering nails into the wall and hanging up pictures... and just making myself at home. Nanny was also more than generous enough to include a brand new wooden, classic-looking 4-door wardrobe and a comfortable bed because, well, everything from the wardrobe, the bed to the table that had been there for years has been worn out or broken in some way or another. And finally, after all the hardwork and after 18 years of sharing a room with my sister, I can now enjoy my own company in my own private space because now... I have my own room. 

I decided to go home today, after two weeks at Nanny's and as I was making my way through the carpark, I was greeted by a solemn sight of a big blue tent which had off-white tables and chairs, the kind of scene which indicated that a funeral was going to take place soon. Whoever that is, he/she meant something to somebody and I only pray that the family would be able to cope, at least. 

As for me, well... the hecticness of my life can wait for now because today, I'm going cuddle up in bed with a good book and allow the hours of the day to pass by before me. 

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