Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Movie buffers

Far unlike my usual hectic and eventful weeks - which usually consists of catch-up dinners, movie marathons and good company - I have spent a wholesome amount of the past two weeks at home in the rare company of my own self. These past two weeks, I would come home early from work, have private driving lessons with my Dad, engage myself in an hour of a good workout session, take an afternoon nap... and sometimes, on rare occasions, I would willingly volunteer to help my grandma out around the kitchen, helping her with dinner preparations.

Although, on days when I did engage myself in plans, it would be to catch-up over lunch/dinner with ex-classmates and best friends or just venture into the city because heck we did not have anything else to do... or even, to spend hitting the theaters with that certain someone. Overtime, not minding that we would always watch a movie when we do get to spend time with each other, we became such movie buffers.

Here's the list of all the movies I recently watched and lessons that were learnt:

1. Thor.

Take, steal or borrow – it doesn’t matter what you call it; if you know you have something that’s not yours, give it back.

2. Red Riding Hood.

Behind every lie, there's truth... and when the truth prevails, it is not always something one wants to hear or can come to terms with.

3. Fast Five

Sometimes, some things are worth risking everything for.

4. Water for Elephants

Be nice to animals, and they'll be nice to you.

5. Pirates of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Sometimes the only way for a pirate to make a living is by betraying other pirates.

6. Insidious

There is a world beyond what we know, and it’s at-best, an unfriendly place. It’s a place where, if you must go, you drive through with your doors locked and your foot over the gas pedal.

I think I have found something new that makes me happy: Watching good movies and having someone to watch them with me. I couldn't possibly ask for more.

So, whad'ya waiting for? Get your ass over to a cinema now!

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