Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Jingle bells and holly

It’s already the week of Christmas but it feels like I’m only beginning to adapt to the changes and challenges this month of December has brought along. Or is it always this way for everyone during the month of December? Well, for me, every year has its significant rollercoaster of emotions, especially when the year of 2011 is about to come to a close while it awaits the dawn of the year 2012 to arrive.

I’ve been hitting the streets of KL quite often this month and there’s always a pleasant tingling feeling of joy and eagerness that washes over me as I stand a few feet away from the entrance of malls before my feet gets restless and prompts me to walk inside.

Christmas happens to be the most decorated time of the year, apart from Chinese New Year. Humongous Christmas trees would be decorated with the most brightly coloured ornaments, with presents laid underneath. Jingle bells ringing here and there. Choirs singing cheerfully to Christmas carols. Santa would be seated at his big red armchair while little children queue up with their parents, so full of eagerness to get a chance to sit on Santa’s lap. The generic “Have you been Naughty or Nice?” question would be asked which would be followed by a long list of Nice, considering how persuasive the children were in making Santa believe. Along the streets, there’d be big, bold, colourful lights and long, shiny streamers. Sometimes, when lucky enough, there’d be a big replica of Santa’s sleigh along with his reindeers in front. And to top it off – I bet all the ladies would agree – there would always be a massive SALE which takes place EVERYWHERE! (the sole reason for my frequent visits to the malls)

When I enter malls during this season, I can’t help but be awed by how amazing everything looks. I also can’t help but be amazed at how immediately cheerful everyone becomes during this time of year. But then, when I’m ready, I gather the courage to take a step backwards and try to look beyond the material things I see before my eyes.

I then recognise that it is not just about how beautifully decorated the Christmas trees are or whether the lights are twinkling brightly enough. It’s not even about the expensive presents we receive and neither is it about whether Santa categorises us in the Naughty or Nice list. It’s so much more than that – it’s CHRISTMAS. It is the day our Lord Jesus Christ was born. And for that alone, I’m thankful enough.

Even so, there won’t be much of a celebration in my family this year. Due to the passing away of the late Uncle Artie and Aunty Esther, the spirit of Christmas has been slightly ceased from the hearts of the remaining Pharamonds. Nanny decided that she won’t be doing anything over-the-top this year, so there won’t be a Christmas party. Alongside the decision to not throw a Christmas party, there was also no putting up of the Christmas tree as well as the mailing of Christmas cards to relatives and friends. Apparently, it is a sign of respect, so I’ve been told.

On a less sentimental note, the highlight of this month (up to date) would most definitely be acing my JPJ driving test.  If you knew how long it has been since I sat for my Undang- undang test, how long I’ve prolonged attending my driving classes and how it long it took me to gather the confidence to go for my JPJ test, you’d probably say that it was about time. While everyone else received their P licence, I was left way behind as I haven’t even completed the hours of my driving classes. And then on the 13th of December, I just did it. I’m just grateful that I didn’t have to redo anything, the way I did with my undang-undang test – I failed 3 times, to be exact. I now have to work on my confidence when I drive because I bet even a blind would recognise the obvious fear that is within me. I’m starting to doubt if it would ever go away.

Apart from that, the shopping for Christmas gifts has gone a little haywire. I had such a hard time deciding on what to buy as Christmas gifts, so unsure of whether they’d like what I chose for them.  It was as if I was sitting for a test on how well I truly know the people in my life. And sometimes, I doubt that I do – not so much, at least.  It’s was so much easier to shop for myself than to shop for Christmas gifts because sometimes regardless of how well you really know them and know what they like, I seem to be running out of ideas as each year passes by. I mean, when you want to buy something they need, God only knows because they seem to have everything already. And then when you opt to buy something they want, you’re then torn between the question of whether they’d love it or whether it fulfils your money’s worth.

The older I get, I’m gradually realizing that things become lesser about the places I go and the things I have, and more about the people I have in my life to share those little moments with. In a television segment, Oprah told her millions of viewers that based on research, it was proven that if you give someone things as gifts, it would only be valued for a period of 9 months. But if you give someone an experience, they’d remember it for the rest of their lives.

Although I won’t be celebrating Christmas this year, doesn’t mean the rest of the world shouldn’t. So this Christmas, instead of hoping for the things you’d want as gifts, I hope you’d receive an experience you’d remember and cherish for the rest of your lives.

Blessed Christmas everyone!

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