Sunday, March 07, 2010

Place me on the bookshelf

Oh how I love the smell of new books, holding them in my grip and hugging them towards my chest, embracing the fact that they now belong to me. How I love ripping off the plastic wrappers from their exterior and flipping through each page, while I'm complemented by that woody and rustic smell.

After weeks of successful attempts at keeping me under house arrest - so to speak - away from the near-by sundry store, and the convenient Alpha Angle which only is a few minute drive away, Aunt Sharon was somehow fed-up of saying "No!" to my signature puppy-dog-eyes persuasion and pitiful begging. That of which only happens once in a blue moon. After weeks of absence at my second home which is MPH, I decided to spend a mere hour just searching for the books I listed on my "to read" list. When I couldn't spot a few of them with my naked eye, I seeked the help of the Customer Service. Seeing as she too had a hard time finding the books I wanted, my Aunt and I decided to join her in book-hunting. When quite a number of the books were found, I flipped through it and read the summary behind, and then decided I was going to purchase at least 5 this time around - all MPH members would be entitled to a very good discount, after all. But as luck would have it, I had to narrow down all 10 books to only 2.

And so these were the two lucky read's I walked away with:

As tempting as it is to pick them up and start reading them, The Host has yet to be done with. Only a few more chapters to go and I'm starting to see why Naressa so highly recommends it - well, she recommended it to me so many months ago and still it has yet to be done with.

Recently, I realized how outdated I've become. Be it with movies or latest celebrity gossip. There are just so many movies I can only wish to watch right now because my exams are right around the corner and celebrity gossip and juicy insights of the latest happenings in Hollywood I can only with to tune in to (E!). But when it comes to music, I'm always a step ahead - a step ahead of the 1# Malaysian Radio Station that is or, even. That's how up-to-date I roll, baby!

I finally got a chance to watch The Princess and The Frog on Friday. And just so you know, I have never missed a Walt Disney film in all my almost-seventeen years of life. I may be a tad too late to watch them after a few days of their premiere but I somehow I manage to do so in my own timing. Upon watching this recent Disney created film, I'm now more assured of the fact that love does blossom in unpredictable ways. That's the way it was for Prince Naveen and Tiana. He was a rich- brat from a royal family, whose parents have disinherited him and she was hardworking girl from an average family, a girl with big dreams of opening up her own restaurant.

As they were from two very different worlds, they could never see eye-to-eye in everything. They were always on each others nerves. But as they both were stranded in some swamp they escaped to after they became frogs, they began to look pass all odds and learn how to bear with one another. Over time, it was their odds that brought them closer. So close that neither of them could imagine a life without each other after their journey together as green, slimy frogs ...

Here I go 'sighing' again, wishing for reality to have some lovely happy-endings. 

Yesterday, SMKSI's 10th Annual Sports Day took place. 

Seeing it as a perfect opportunity to spend some quality time with my old schoolmates and friends whom have changed schools after years of friendship, I invited a few close friends of mine. To name a few, Roy and Prissy. Knowing Roy all too well - every trick and excuse he has up his sleeve - he never wakes up as early as 8 a.m. to attend an event or even school, so I stepped in and interrupted his beauty sleep by continuously calling him on his cellphone. After countless of failed attempts, he finally answered and arrived.

As for Prissy, her Dad was against this whole plan of coming to my school for Sport's Day but at the last minute, he pulled through and allowed her to come. I suppose he saw what a good girl she has been behaving like for the past few days. Although it was a busy morning for her, having to attend her cousin's wedding in the morning and coming all the way to my school after. She came and I was pleased.

Of course we didn't stay to watch all the commotion happening at the school field, instead we made our way to the LRT station which was a few minute walk away. We hopped on the train and started off our gallivanting for the day at Sungei Wang. We spent the day shopping for affordable yet chic dresses. As Sungei Wang has such a wide galore or affordable finds, we stopped at each dress shop, trying on those of our likings. I managed to score a black dress, which is studded and beaded at the waist while my sister managed to score herself a pair of black skinny's. Prissy just bought a pair of shorts when initially she wanted to buy a dress. I guess she was the only one who didn't get to buy what she wanted. As for the two guys, they were bored shitless. So, being slightly considerate, I decided to treat them to lunch.

All in all, all of us went home with wide smiles on our faces. Pictures were captured and memories were once again made. No one complained and no one was so bossy, everyone just going with the flow and cooperating. I, especially, was feeling slightly better after their supportive words of advice.

My day was made!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YAY ! WE MADE UR DAY ? hahaha ! yay ! we should do this more often the group was nice . no complains . we should sooo do this again ! next round ! longer hours please ! hahaha !