Friday, August 07, 2009

i choose you

This past few days- the week before second semester exams, have been... pretty hectic. Spending most of the hours, forcing information into the brain can be quite straining, no? Well, that's been a part of my daily routine this past few weeks. Hopefully, in another weeks countdown, my plight would ease up a little.

Apart from that, the times I dread of having to go to school have been set aside due to the teachers frequent absentees. So, in replacement, more time was dedicated to deep conversations, daily gossip, laughing hysterically at practically everything- funny or not and picking fights with anyone worthy of a good argument. Our now usual past-times. Eventhough homework to keep us occupied was inexcusably given, it was left abandoned the whole day.

Forever 21's recent photoshoot.
Who knew guys in afro's could be so captivating...

Instead, thoughts were being expressed and stories were shared, continuously. We were having one of those bonding sessions, yet again. A handful of us - Wani, Pa'an, Ijat, Kechik and myself were then joined by another two in the mood of some juicy spill - Nash and Yosh. Their probably the only two whom are always, without a doubt, joining us for some 'sharing'. As for the other three, we can only wish.

Though we may be small class, we are still close knitted as the year is slowly drawing to an end.

If I had it my way, this is how i'd like for it to stay.

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