Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Busy as a honeybee

There are so many things I feel I need to do.

Instead, I've been playing hide-and-seek with those... errands (yes, let's call it that) and running away to see if I can escape them, to see if I can hopefully outrun them. 

But sometimes, there come those moments when I don't feel like running, when I feel like doing those things and that's exactly what happens. 

This past few weeks of my absence has a lot to do with the fact that I haven't been running away from those errands - or maybe they are better known as things that occupied my time. 

Take last Saturday for instance. Instead of giving in into the initial plan of spending the whole day with my friends, I ended up spending the afternoon with my uncle and his daughter. I got to see her and spend time with her just like when she would come over to Nanny's house to be babysat. We bowled, ate Japanese and ended our day with a scoop of Pistachio ice-cream and a macaroon for myself. Tee hee! Then in the evening, I attended the late Uncle Charles' memorial, where I paid my last respects to the man who shared his life with us, and lead his life like The Almighty. May he rest in peace.

On Sunday, I devoted the entire day to someone whose company I have always enjoyed, since he was back in town for the weekend. We watched Captain America and laughed at every little thing and I was glad that I had someone to laugh with. We then hit the streets of KL for a mamak and enjoyed fresh watermelon juice, Milo ice and Teh ice - the two guys with me shisha-ed, too. As the sun went down and evening arrived, we had pizza for dinner at Papa John's (because there was no where else to go for pizza at BTS).

Recently, I have been studying, because I have tests to sit for this week, which by the way, sums up 10% of my final exam marks.

I have also been giving new things a try - like "puasa", depriving myself from indulging. I'm doing it because I want to know what it is like to be in their shoes.

Apart from stumbling on foreign grounds and testing new waters, my faith in what I believe in has also been tested. I've just been really curious these past few weeks. I have been feeding on knowledge regarding different religions and beliefs and it is all very interesting but what I have come to conclude is that... it is all NOT for me. I'm sorry but that is where I draw the line.

To sum this post up, I think it is safe to say that I have been 'living' - even if it is has been poorly proven.

Note to self: Please be more consistent in your writing/ blogging or anything that you're good at doing, because of those gifts aren't nurtured enough, you'd end up losing them. 

Goodnight xoxo

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