Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A love so intricate

At last, after months of anticipating, I watched Eclipse for the first time on Saturday (I've watched it for the 5th time altogether already). Before you judge me for not being updated, movie-wise, you should know that each time I initiated a day out with my buddies to watch Eclipse, the plan somehow always failed to happen. Let's just say, too many 'obstacles' were in my way that prevented me from watching Eclipse.

I know this post is long overdue as it was supposed to be published a day or two after I watched the movie when it premiered but since I couldn't find it within me to delete my saved drafts, I'm making up for lost time. Luckily I saved it as a draft and had already written the frame of this post. So, there really is no need for me to watch the movie over and over again for my thoughts to ignite.


July 3rd 2010

I was thinking up ideas in Accounts tuition to write a post about the Twilight Saga but as a whole wave of thoughts complimented the shores of my brain, I didn't jot it down. Luckily, when it comes to writing out my thoughts, nothing is ever forgotten or ceased into oblivion. So, it is just gonna be me and my thoughts to guide me to write out this post.

Upon comprehending my thoughts, it striked me that just like any other movie which involves the themes of love, romance, and blood-sucking vampires, the endings are never as brutal and gory as they start off to be. If anything, the ending keeps you anticipating for more. That is how I felt as I watched Eclipse come to an end.

Before I elaborate any further, the initial idea of this post was to write about how I could walk in Bella's shoes. You see, a few months ago I was caught in a love triangle between my best friend and the man I love (or so I'd thought). Just like Edward, the man I love was pretty envious about my best friend but unlike Jacob, my best friend did not promise to love me until my heart stopped beating. Simply because my best friend and I know that there never will be anything between us other than the love for our friendship.

The man I loved back then once replied me saying,  

"It's like we're in a love triangle. You're Bella, your best friend is Edward and I am Jacob. When you need a shoulder to cry on or need help with something, you turn to Jacob. And no matter what, Edward would always be the main person in your life. I used to be that Edward, and I've no one to blame but myself". 

I still have no idea why he thought of himself that way when my best friend and I never gave him any reason to think there was anything going on between us. Oh well, I'm just glad I need not worry about him anymore as he has left the chapters of my life.

(via kristewlovers)

After having to go through that "emotional roller-coaster phase", I managed to summarise what I love about the whole Twilight Saga even though Edward doesn't exist in my world anymore. It's funny how wrong turns lead to lessons learnt, and opens your eyes to new things.

So, here. I'm such an avid fan of the whole Twilight Saga because:

  • Bella doesn't have a hard time trusting Edward. 
  • Although he is a Vampire and most mortals are terrified or swoon by the sight of him, his heart only beats for one and that is Bella. 
  • Edward doesn't flirt around or lead others on although almost every girl with  heartbeat would be willing to die for him. 
  • Edward is a man of his word. 
  • Bella doesn't have to worry about who he is out with or what time he'll be coming home because he never gives her any reason to ponder on such questions. 
  • Unlike the other hormone-ragging men, Edward insists that Bella and him be married first before any intimate contact is done, because from the century he is from, it's a symbol of love.
  • The Wolves as well as the Vampires will fight for the ones they love. 
  • Jacob,although he has other intentions, he'll always be by Bella's side even if it mans accepting her relationship with Edward.
  • To fight for the girl they both love, the Vamps and Wolves are willing to work-together. 
Before I sign off, here's a few quotes which left me in tears.
"It’s not like love at first sight, really. It’s more like… gravity moves. When you see her, suddenly it’s not the earth holding you here anymore. She does. And nothing matters more than her. And you would do anything for her, be anything for her… You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that’s a protector, or a lover, or a friend, or a brother." - Jacob Black
“This wasn’t a choice between you and Jacob—it was a choice between who I should be and who I am. I’ve always felt out of step—like, literally stumbling through my life—I’ve never felt normal, because I’m not normal. I don’t want to be. I’ve had to face death, and loss, and pain in your world but I’ve also never felt stronger—like, more real; more myself—because it’s my world, too. It’s where I belong.”- Bella Swan

P.S - As charming as Edward is, I've come to realize that men like him will never exist (character-wise). And so, I'm going to settle for someone with a heartbeat, who's life is never at a standstill, who isn't ice cold and who doesn't kill for blood; someone with real emotions and feelings.

1 comment:

Arwindar Gill said...

Krissy darlin, this post is beautiful! and Listen to me when I say, You're not in Bella's shoes, and never will be! Because babe, believe it or not, you're way luckier than Isabella Swan as you have more people who love you and more people to stand by your side, forever. Plus, you're going to get the real deal, eventually. I know it for sure, and when the right guy comes along, you'll be as happy as a clam! Till then sweetheart, I'll always be here by your side to kick butts of all the assholes who break your heart! (",) I love you so much, now and 4eva. Take care babe, hugz and kisses. ♥ ♥ Once again, B-E-A-Utiful post! ;p