Thursday, August 19, 2010

Heart on sleeve

One of my friends pointed out a fact to me the other day over a conversation in school. She said that,
"You're single but never really available" - Arwin. 
It took quite some time for me to comprehend what she had said because I always used to think that I'm available, but off-limits. You see, I have not been in a real, solid relationship for almost about two years now that a liking towards the land of Singledom is creeping up on me. I have become so used to the idea of not having someone's hand in grip with mine, or just the person's presence in my life. It now feels as if my whole being is numb towards the electric feeling of love. But the thing is, this feeling doesn't bother me as much as it does my happily coupled-up friends. Well, temporarily-coupled as I'd like to put it and as they so often prove to be.

Often times I see this lot I call friends, hopping from one relationship to another in such a short period of time. And I think to myself, "Why do they keep putting themselves through this endless cycle of relationships and testing the waters of dating, just to feel that projected idea of love?" Possible answers were instantly sparked in my mind such as, "Maybe he/she was not good enough" or "Everyday was a never-ending string of arguments"" but I held on to one which is, Love makes people want to risk getting hurt, to never stop giving up until they find what it is they seek. I believe strongly that love can have that kind of an impact on someone.

But what I also believe in is that sometimes people should sit back and allow love to find it's way into their lives. Because sometimes finding love is like meddling with destiny - and moulding and shaping destiny to our liking just wouldn't be right.

So, for me, for the time being, I'd like to remain "special-someone free". And the reason for that is because I'd like to do some in-depth discovery of myself and the journey of my life before I open the doors of my heart to someone who would share it with me.
Not every girl wants to be in a relationship.
Some just want good company, a guy to vibe with, converse with, & laugh with.
Not in a rush. Start off simple, and let the rest find itself.
Having someone to talk to and feeling comfortable around them is quite beautiful, and it’s a good feeling.

Right now, this quote pretty much sums up the way I'm feeling. Ta for now. 


Katak Hijau said...

Nice post.It's really, really good and insightful.
Where do you find these sort of quotes? Any specific site that you frequently visit?
Just wondering. =)

Kristen Alyssa said...

Hello, thank you so much. Hmm, there's no site really. It's all in the wonders of using Google. Hehe. :)